Wednesday, November 23, 2011


Again, I've been MIA.  Back for a quick chance to recap life.

So far the pregnancy has been good.  I couldn't be happier that everything is good and we are both healthy.  We have our ultrasound scheduled for December 9 to have our first glimpse and find out if it will be Princess or Prince! 
Some of the normal everyday things are getting a little challenging.  Such as bending down to tie the shoes, get into our tall bed when I'm already only 5'1", and remembering.  My mind is shot by the time I get home from work.  Poor hubby has to deal with my forgetting.  I'm not huge by any means, just finally gained a little weight and the baby bump is there. 

Proof for those who don't think there's a baby in there because I'm not huge already! (excuse the dirty mirror...lack of motivation is the issue)
No weird cravings yet.  I guess that's unless you count the number of times I've wanted to head into town to get a slushie or something similar.  Yes, I have been craving icy, fruity things.  I've been trying to keep it to my breakfast smoothies, but that doesn't seem to curb the craving.  I guess it could be worse, I could be craving a fried pickle sandwich or something!
I'm still able to wear 4 pairs of pre-pregnancy jeans and I bought 2 pairs of maternity jeans.  I love maternity jeans! And I am going to proudly wear them tomorrow for the Thanksgiving feast so that my jeans stretch with me!
But, we are getting very anxious to start on the nursery.  We have ideas and plans, but mostly if we are having a son.  I want to start painting and buying furniture and bedding and all the CLOTHES! I'm so excited!

And I do have a few things to be thankful for this year...
My wonderful family and extended family
Awesome friends
My loving husband who has put up with my emotional pregnancy hormones and forgetfulness
For the opportunity to get away for a week and spend time with hubby and family
For the roof over my head, the shoes on my feet and the work at my job
For never having to experience extreme heartache
For the son or daughter we will have in April, who will bless our lives forever
.....this list can go on and on, so summing this up in one word....LIFE

Hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving holiday.  I hope you make new memories while sharing a few old ones.  I hope you stop and think about all those things you have in your life and remember those who may be less fortunate.

Friday, November 11, 2011


Happy Veteran's Day to all those who have and are serving for our country and freedom. 

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Back to reality...

I've been in a blogging funk lately.  I have stories to share, but never feel like writing them down.  But since I've been back from the vacation for 5 days now, I figured I should put it down in writing.

Flights were good.  I was concerned about getting sick due to the pregnancy, but life was all good in the air.  I did take a Dramamine just in case, but didn't need it on the way home.  On the flight to Florida, I looked down and realized that baby wasn't getting left out of this vacation.  He or she definitely made it visible that I am pregnant! 
Once we got to Tampa, we rented a car and loaded up to head to Orlando.  Hubby has a few aunts, uncles, and cousins who live in the area, so we went to visit with them for a few hours.  It was great to get to see them even if it was for a short amount of time. 
On Monday morning, we headed down to meet the bus to take us to the port.  I won't bore you with the details so I will just show a few highlights of the trip.  I will say one of the top 5 best things would be my hubby winning $500 BINGO.  That was taken directly off our tab for the week! That was awesome because you don't know how much you have spent until the last day.  You get a card that is your room key and credit card and everything is charged on there. 

My first glimpse of the ship!!  Look real close.

My attempt at writing in the sand kept getting washed away.

I'm almost not tall enough to drink at Senor Frogs!

Every night, the menu had a "didja" which was something you probably never ate.  This night was frog legs...I did not try them!!

Our cute little room for the week.  The bathroom reminded me of a camper.
And how could you NOT love this water!