Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Beer bread and Rina

Last night, I attempted my first loaf of homemade bread without a bread maker.  And I must tell you, it turned out amazing! Hubby and I ate half the loaf....ugh! 
I've been wanting to try a simple, homemade recipe for beer bread for awhile.  We always buy beer bread mix for the holidays but sometimes forget to get some or never have the chance to buy it.  So, I found this recipe and I think I will be using it in those times that someone forgets about the beer bread!

Next time, though, I think I will use unsalted butter or maybe half salted and half unsalted.  It had a bit of salty taste, but that could also be because of my heightened sense of smell and taste!  (and I actually used margarine!...oops, thats all I have in my house!)
Oh, and I didn't use my hands like she did.  I mixed it all with a wooden spoon and tapped the bread pan to get it somewhat even.
Try it! I promise you won't be disappointed.  It is super easy and so tasty! I can't wait to get home and have another slice.  I melted a little butter and added garlic salt for dipping.  We might not be the healthiest eaters!

Enough about food, it's making me hungry!  Did I mention that we are going on a cruise?...oh yeah, that's right, I did.   But did I mention that there is a hurricane in the Carribean's right now?  Oh, I forgot that piece of info.  Well, Rina has turned herself from a tropical storm into a hurricane.  At this moment, she is a category 2.  It was all minor yesterday when it was a tropical storm at 40 mph wind speeds because thats really just a breezing day here in ND!  But, if you check out the storm tracker, you will see that at 105 mph wind speeds, we would probably not be going to Cozumel.  It is headed straight for Cozumel.  It will miss Grand Cayman, but I think its a matter of getting around the storm to get us there.  I don't know how all this works, but it looks as if the storm is predicted to be over on the 29th.  That would be perfect, expect I'm wondering if we will still feel the affects of the waves.  And if it hits Cozumel, what will that place look like when we get there.  We are definitely in for an experience!

Wish us luck!  And keep your fingers crossed that Rina decides to hurry the heck up or disipate before finding land!

Monday, October 24, 2011

14 week update (a little late)

First trimester went fairly well.  Seemed like most people were shocked to hear that I wasn't sick.  My biggest complaint was the exhaustion.  Our couch is almost broke in now thanks to those few weeks.  I'm still not in the "nesting" stage with my energy back, but I'm not trying to lay my head on my desk at 1:30 everyday.  I've just learned to go to bed at 8:30 when I'm tired instead of fighting it.

Now in the second trimester and week 14, baby is the size of a lemon, weighing about 1.5 ounces.  They said the energy comes back soon.  I'm hoping to find it on the cruise.
I'm still waiting to purchase maternity clothes, but I'm thinking in the next few weeks, the jeans will have to go!  I would be very satisfied if my employer would allow me to sport my sweats at the office!
Waiting for the day that I can tell that baby is moving.  The first ultrasound showed lots of movement.  And we can't wait to find out if we are having a prince or a princess!  This should happen just in time for Christmas.

And, as far as cravings, I've recently noticed that I could REALLY use some Doritos.  Nacho cheese or Cool Ranch, either one will do.  Other than that, I just eat.  I thought I was craving raw broccoli, so I tried it.  Don't think baby liked it much.  Buzz prefers steamed with cheese sauce!
I do miss stopping and getting frappucinos and lattes and iced blended chai teas, but I'm definitely making it without them.  I'm starting to think the reason I gained less than a pound in a month was because of the things I quit drinking.  Since I can't have Malibu Diet Cokes every weekend, calorie intake has probably dropped to where it should be! 

I do think I've been a lucky lady.  No morning sickness and no other problems.  Besides the emotions that pop out of nowhere and the lose of my memory, I think I'm doing pretty good.  I won't complain. 

Now, I just get to look forward to the cruise in 6 days and then, when we get back, start focusing on baby 100%!  Excited to start clearing out the bedroom and turning it into a nursery.  I'm glad I have the winter time to do this. 

Looks like a possible chance of precip in the next couple days.  Good thing it won't be sticking around too long!

Friday, October 21, 2011

Single digits and 2nd trimester

Single digits! 9 Days!  Excited...yes.  Nervous...yes.  Prepared...sorta.  In need of packing plan...yes.

But, either way, the day will come to leave for Florida and I will have to be ready. 
Not only am I super excited about the vacay itself, but we will also be seeing a hand-full of hubby's family while in Florida.  What a great added bonus!  Can't wait to meet the one aunt who didn't make it to the wedding and possibly 2 cousins as well.

Life couldn't get much better right now!

Countdown started

On another note.  I had appointment numero 2 yesterday.  This was a quick check-up to check heartbeat, get test results from last appointment and ask and answer any questions.
First question I asked....Any advice or restrictions for the cruise.
Dr. "Well, you do have to take a physician along, and I guess I can make myself available for you" (insert smile!) Good one buddy!  Other than that comment, he said do what I can and just relax.  Don't push yourself and DO NOT eat at the Mexican food vendors!

At 14 weeks, baby is doing good, as far as we can tell.  Strong heartbeat and everything checks out where it should.  The only thing that concerns my family is that I gained less then a pound in a month.  Dr has no worries.  I'm eating.  Not really exercising,  So I'm not sure where all the calories and food are going!  Either way, we won't worry about weight gain just yet.  First trimester sometimes brings weight LOSS because of morning sickness and nausea. 

The most reassuring thing that came from this quick 10 minute appointment was picking up the heartbeat on the Doppler and it being a strong 150.  That is one precious sound!
And I've said it before, this all doesn't seem real yet.  Hubby and I talk about baby all the time, but it hasn't completely hit me yet.  We talked to the future daycare provider which made it seem real, but only for the time we discussed it!  I'm just so thankful that baby P will have one awesome lady taking care of him or her in place of mommy and daddy.  We couldn't ask for a better friend to provide us with her services!

Enough rambling for the day.  It seems like my posts since I found out the great news have been rambles...I've lost my mind! But that's a post for a different day.

Enjoy the awesome Fall weather this week.  Hope it sticks around for awhile!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Just a "little" secret!

Yes, I said it....I have a secret! I'm tired of keeping it in.  I have to tell someone!  And no, it does not have to do with the fact that I am SUPER excited that there are only 26 more days until I board the Carnival Inspiration for 5, sweet days of NO WORK!

I could tell you that I got a new job.  But that would be a lie.

I could tell you that we finally bought some land and stated on house plans.  But that would be a huge lie.

I could tell you that we are moving away from the snowy ND winters to somewhere warm during those months.  But I would just be telling you a dream.

So, I guess instead of telling you lies and dreams, I will tell you the "little" truth.
We are EXPECTING!!!! :)

This is baby numero uno for us.  We couldn't be more excited.  Hubby is an oh-so-proud daddy and has almost told the entire state.  I, on the other hand, told the most important people (our families and a few CLOSE friends) before letting the rest of the world know.  I thought it best be kept quiet until I was around 12 weeks.

So, now that I am entering my 12th week, I thought I would share with you all.  We are expecting to share Baby P with the world somewhere around the middle of April. 

Enjoy the oddly nice weather for October!