Thursday, February 9, 2012

30 week update

Can anyone else believe it?! We have about 10 weeks left!  These weeks are just flyin' by, but I have my baby shower coming up and I am so excited.

Every time I see these pictures, I realize I'm not as big as I feel.  I'm wondering how big I'm really going to get in the next 10 weeks, but I have a feeling I will be surprised!

At 30 weeks, is comparing baby Buzz to a cucumber.  What an odd comparison at this stage of pregnancy, but it's because he is approximately 15.2-16.7 inches long.  And continuing to produce fat deposits, he is about 2.5-3.8 pounds.  But, I'm convinced he is on the much lower end of that.  He has to be, he rarely sits still.  He is going to be a twig like his daddy!
As his skin is still getting smoother (due to fat deposits), his brain is gaining wrinkles that will gain lots of brain cells.  Not much else is going on with him, other then normal growing, eating, moving, and sleeping (which I'm convinced he doesn't do already).   

As for me, I'm still feelin' fine.  I forget that I have a belly sometimes and run into things.  And I'm struggling with the memory thing in general.  If you ask hubby, he will tell you that I just plain lost my mind!  A little story on that for another post. 

In the's snowing here!  I'm not actually excited about this, but I am happy that the farmers are getting a little moisture.  Gotta take what we can get.  And after having too much last year, we never know what to expect for the remainder of winter and the rest of the year.  We can only hope and pray that it will even out and we will end up with exactly what is needed! 


  1. Ha! I had forgotten about running into things with my belly, such fun memories :) 10 weeks will go by in a blink of an eye...make sure you get plenty of sleep now and take lots of nice long showers. You will be lucky to get either after Baby is here :)

    1. I never used to take long showers, but about 3 months ago, I realized they keep getting a little longer...and I sleep ALOT. That will be a big adjustment when baby is here!

  2. I was just thinking how fast it went by. Tell time to slowwwww done!
