Thursday, January 19, 2012

Week 27 update

I can't believe that I am 27 weeks along already.  Only 13ish more to go, almost single digits!  So many things going on trying to get the room finished and organized, finding things that baby definitely needs, and learning so much along the way.  We have our birthing classes next month and I'm kind of looking forward it them. 

At 27 weeks, baby boy is just around 15 inches long and weighs about 2 pounds.  His skin isn't nearly as transparent as it was 5 weeks ago and it is gaining pigment.  He is gaining more and more brain cells and brain activity can now be recorded.  This means hubby and I better get to reading to him and playing music for him.  He also has more taste buds now then he will be born with...just an odd little fact :)

And, at 27 weeks, I am still as happy as I was pre-pregnancy!  No problems, no concerns, and no major issues.  I haven't been sick, no swelling, and I sleep well.  The only complaint I can make is that my winter coat is on the verge of splitting when I zip it up and my coveralls are pretty much put away for the year.  I think the coverall part is more of a complaint from hubby because this means I won't be out helping as much when it's real cold out!  But, these are all things that come with pregnancy, and if my clothes and coats weren't fitting, I would say we had a problem.  I have been having a few Braxton Hicks contractions, but learned that they were brought on by trying to do too much.  I just had to learn to take more breaks while cleaning or helping hubby.  I am worn out a lot easier then I was before.  I can't continually clean the house in one day.  Grocery shopping trips are about the extent of my town trips.  No more spending the whole day in town walking around stores and wasting time!

I am still wearing SOME pre-pregnancy clothes and still have not bought new shoes just in case my feet do grow and/or swell.  I have no weird cravings.  I still enjoy all the foods I did before.  I do crave fruit more then I did pre-preg which I guess is a good thing.  I do know that after baby is here, I may go into a caffeine coma from drinking a few regular diet cokes in one day!

I took two pictures because at first, I thought stripes were deceiving, and then realized that black can be "concealing."  I feel bigger then I look.  And I do have a complaint....why does it seem that almost all maternity shirts are stripped!


  1. Not just striped but horizonally striped!!!

  2. And I forgot - you are still so darn cute!!! 13 weeks will seem like it takes forever but it's so worth it!

  3. Oh.... so cute...
