Wednesday, March 23, 2011

{Half} Snow Day!

I got to enjoy half of my day at home yesterday.  North Dakota weather can't make up its mind and we ended up with blizzard like conditions.  Leaving work at noon was probably the worst idea we had.  It cleared up around 2:30 and I would have felt more comfortable driving home then.  To give you an idea of how bad it was to drive, try driving into the sun with your eyes crossed while you are not sure if you are on the road or driving in the ditch. Lots of fun! Okay, so it wasn't as bad as it could have been, but it would have been nice to be able to at least see the road!   Old Man Winter, what was wrong with the green grass that was noticeable 2 days ago!?  And if you failed to look at the calendar, I will fill you in...Spring Begins - March 20, 2011...remember?

Life was ok once I finished my 20 minute trek that usually takes 7 minutes.  I spent some time on the couch, in the kitchen, and in the garage.  My brother-in-law and 2 of our good friends stopped by on their snow day journey around the country side.  We may have had a snowball fight in the garage while enjoying some "cocktails."  Life was good!

And then today!...My manager called to inform me that the plows had gone through this morning and I could start my way to work.  Come to find out once I hit the highway that someone doesn't know what a plow is!...they hadn't showed their faces yet.  It was just as bad as the way home except that the wind wasn't blowing 40 mph and obstructing my view with snow.  I was only partially stuck twice, and I finally made it to my cozy chair at the office.  Now I just pray for Spring, and man am I going to pray! White is NOT my favorite color and I would like to see my back deck before April!
The park across the street

Neighbors car buried, and you can't tell but the snow is up to the deck on all sides!
Have a great, warm, colorful day! :) I think I might dye the snow green when I get home to cheer myself up!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Danielle-thanks for stopping by my blog!
    The weather here is not my idea of "Spring" either, but after looking at your pics, I shouldn't complain! Love your idea of dying the snow green-LOL!!
    Looking forward to reading more of your blog-I am pretty sure we have some things in common-I am a big dreamer, living in the country, and yet, I am sure there is a beach house out there somewhere....with my name on it :)
